Value is your assessment of a vendor’s ability to keep their promise to help you (the client) achieve the end results you are after. Value is also a factor of that service measured against the cost to you. The value of the vendor can be significant when they help alleviate your ‘pain,’ in whatever form that comes in.
Simply put, the vendor of value helps you get the job done and meet the promises you have made to your leaders, staff and customers.
Our Value –
As an ally for your conflict, collaboration and leadership solutions we provide:
- Support for your ongoing efforts with known breakdowns to collaboration, performance, professional development and leadership challenges
- Help to address, resolve and create heightened responses to concerns related to the areas mentioned above
- Perspective to the blind spots that present costly obstacles to collaboration, performance, retention, revenue and mitigating known risks
- Support so your organization can think more strategically about how to stop throwing away money due to unaddressed workplace conflict
Our Mission –
Synergy Development & Training, LLC helps companies save money by assisting them to be proactive in preventing and resolving conflicts. This is done at the strategic, professional development and employee relations levels with the result of reduced litigation, increased retention and heightened responses to unforeseen and known conflicts.
Corporate Consulting –
Courses On Conflict:
- All courses are available for management and/or employee training
- Most course titles reflect programming for managers and will be adapted according to target audience
- All courses are available in mobile, e-Learning and multi-lingual
- All courses can be developed into on-line learning or supplemental E-Learning
COMING SOON – Download the new Synergy Course Catalog

Synergy M-Learning
Mobile Learning! For many organizations, providing on-site training for every employee, all of the time, is just not possible. Some organizations want to provide high-quality supplemental learning to existing and new on-site training. Mobile learning, on its own or complimented with other on site and Elearning initiatives can be the next successful professional development tool for your organization.
- Increased likelihood of meeting learning objectives
- Increased likelihood of using personal and professional time reviewing material
- Increased learner short and long term content knowledge and skill retention
- Increased opportunities to prepare and pass certifications (i.e. PM Academy and the PMP certification) and continuing education assessments
- Increased efficiency of accessing critical knowledge when solving real time problems after the course when in the fieldThere’s more…
- Heightened sophistication and quality of professional development programming
- Decreased excuses for lack of knowledge or incorrect actions – decreased risk
- Increased loyalty, motivation to learn and next generation appeal
- Quick and cost effective, critical content knowledge
- Leverage existing devices you supply to Novo Nordisk professionals already
- Integrate with existing generational learning styles and LMS solutions
“I’m confident that your training has been received, read and understood.
Allowing my organization to interact, enable instant feedback, report,
and instantly measure results.” – Mobile Learning User
Our specialists use the leading platform for the development, delivery, and tracking of mobile learning and assessments, surveys, and performance support!
Contact us directly at #571-235-8539 or email at questions@synergydt.com to learn more.
e-Learning Solutions
We believe blended learning is the future of organizational professional development plans. At Synergy, we have a nationally recognized, award winning, eLearning consultant and together we collaborate to satisfy your immediate and long term needs in this area as well. We offer various courses below and the consulting services required to design, build and customize the eLearning program you want to help grow your organization if your need is for more than content. Contact us immediately to help set up a blended learning solution set for your organization, regardless of subject matter.
Synergy Development and Training customizes the following content to meet the needs of your organization’s short and long term E-Learning needs. We can create learning modules on other subjects as well, please inquire.
1. Conflict Management
2. Advanced Conflict Management
3. Leadership Development
4. Mentoring and Reverse Mentoring
5. Performance Management
6. Executive Coaching
7. Leadership Coaching for Managers
8. Change Management
9. Communication and Collaboration
10. Emotional intelligence
11. Mediation and ADR
12. Interest-Based Negotiations
13. Procurement Negotiations
14. Project Management
15. Introduction to Project Management
16. Project Management Toolbox
17. Introduction to Risk for Project managers
18. Conflict Management for Project Managers
19. Leadership for Project Managers
20. Strategic Planning for Project Managers
We customize all e-learning solutions to meet your immediate and long term needs.
Please contact us directly to learn how we can provide infrastructure and content to your existing e-learning efforts.
Ph: (571) 235-8539
Advanced Conflict Management & Restorative Practices
Is your group ready?
This section provides information about our Advanced Conflict Management Offerings, including those in Restorative Practices. After completing the Effective Conflict Management and Collaboration course, some teams and organizations understand the value of effectively managing their workplace conflict and want to learn more — move forward together to the next level. Below are some examples of ongoing advanced initiatives we can customize to support your needs:
- Developing Conflict Charters
- Advanced Conflict Management Training – 1 Day
- Advanced Conflict Management Training for Executives/Leaders – 1 Day
- Advanced Conflict Management and Collaboration Workshop – 2 Day
- Advanced Conflict Management and Collaboration Retreat – Specific Focus
What is Restorative Practices for Executives and Leaders?
When conflicts need to be discussed, when someone has made a mistake and wronged a fellow executive or leader, what do you do? While important to incorporate the lessons we learned about how to plan for difficult discussions in the first conflict management course, Restorative Practices principles are designed to help individuals take ownership, listen to the needs of impacted stakeholders, determine how to ‘make it right’ and determine how team members can successfully re-integrate back into the group in the most streamlined way resulting in less shame, blame and guilt. This is about having the team customize and develop a process for doing all of this while balancing high levels of accountability with equally high levels of support.
Warning: These programs are only for pro-active leaders that are interested in furthering their conflict management skills and secure enough to be vulnerable to fellow executive team members in a safe environment.
- Restorative Practices and Executive Teams Training
- Restorative Practice Executive Circles
- Restorative Practices for Leaders
- Restorative Practices Leadership Circles
- Conflict Management and Restorative Practices Coaching